Product Engineering

Cutting-edge solutions that bridge the gap between innovation and implementation. Transform your ideas into robust, scalable, and market-ready software products.

From Concept to Market

As a leading provider of Product Engineering services, TenUp covers it all. A range of solutions to help you bring your ideas to life, streamline development processes, and achieve remarkable business outcomes.

We have mastered the art of transforming concepts into tangible software products that are scalable, reliable, and aligned with your business goals. We combine technical expertise, industry best practices, and a deep understanding of market trends to deliver cutting-edge solutions that drive your success.

As a leading provider of Product Engineering services, TenUp covers it all. A range of solutions to help you bring your ideas to life, streamline development processes, and achieve remarkable business outcomes. We have mastered the art of transforming concepts into tangible software products that are scalable, reliable, and aligned with your business goals

Work in progress

MVP for Startups

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    Rapid and Cost-effective

    Transform your killer app ideas into reality with our rapid and cost-effective MVP development services.

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    Accelerate go-to-market

    Get early feedback, test and validate so you can pivot quickly without losing time or resources.

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    Get Investor Buy-in

    Demonstrate your concept to investors and secure funding for your startup with a robust MVP.

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    Launch in 12 weeks

    From idea to research, design, iteration and launch in 12 weeks. Save precious development and validation time.

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    Customer-centric expertise

    Our expertise in MVP development means we understand what customers want and expect.

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    Virtual CTO office

    CTO advisory services for your product to guide your product with technical acumen.

Work in progress

SaaS Product Development

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    UX/UI Design

    Create a user-centric and visually appealing interface design that enhances the user experience and drives engagement with your SaaS application

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    Scalability and Performance Optimization

    Optimize your SaaS product to handle increased user traffic and ensure high performance, reliability, and scalability as your user base grows

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    Continuous Integration and Deployment

    Set up automated build, testing, and deployment processes to ensure efficient and error-free updates and releases of your SaaS application.

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    Centralized User Identity Management & Single Sign-On

    Implement a robust user identity management system and single sign-on feature in your SaaS application

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    Integration with Third-Party Services

    Seamlessly integrate your SaaS application with third-party services, such as payment gateways, email marketing platforms, or CRM systems

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    Subscription Management and Billing

    Efficiently handle subscription management and billing processes within your SaaS application

Tiered Support

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    Performance Monitoring and Optimization

    Continuously monitor the performance of your product, identify potential bottlenecks or areas for improvement.

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    Security Updates and Patch Management

    Stay ahead of security threats by regularly applying updates and patches to address vulnerabilities, ensuring the security and integrity of your product and protecting user data.

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    Feature Enhancements and Upgrades

    Identify new features and product improvements that align with market demands and user feedback.

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    Regression Testing and Quality Assurance

    Maintain overall stability and quality of product with thorough quality assurance and regression testing.

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    User Support and Troubleshooting

    Responsive and prompt user support to help users with any inquiries, technical difficulties, or troubleshooting needs

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    Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

    Clear SLAs and escalation procedures to outline response times, resolution targets, and escalation paths

Customized Platform Implementation

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    Requirements Analysis and Solution Design

    Collaboratively work with you to analyze your business requirements and design a tailored solution that aligns with your specific needs and objectives.

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    Customization and Configuration

    Customize and configure the platform to match your unique business processes, workflows, and branding.

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    Data Migration and Integration

    Smooth transition of your data from legacy systems or other platforms to the new platform.

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    API Development and Integration

    Develop and integrate APIs to enable seamless data exchange and interaction between the platform and other applications.

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    Workflow Automation and Business Process Optimization

    Streamline and automate business workflows, processes within the platform, eliminating manual tasks, improving efficiency, and reducing errors.

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    Security and Compliance

    Implement robust security measures and ensure compliance with relevant industry standards and regulations, safeguarding your data

How can we help you plan for the long-term? Connect with us

Frequently asked questions

How can TenUp's MVP development services help me demonstrate the potential of my application to investors?

How can TenUp's MVP services show my app's potential to investors?

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Our rapid and cost-effective MVP development allows you to showcase your application's concept and functionality to investors, increasing your chances of securing funding for further development.

What is the significance of multi-tenant architecture in SaaS success?

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Multi-tenant architecture enables efficient resource utilization, scalability, and cost savings, making it crucial for SaaS success by providing a shared infrastructure for multiple customers.

How does TenUp ensure the security and privacy of user identities in a centralized user identity management system?

How does TenUp protect user identities in its centralized management system?

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We implement robust security measures, including encryption and access control, to safeguard user identities and ensure secure authentication and authorization processes.

Can you explain the process of integrating our SaaS application with third-party services?

How do we integrate our SaaS app with third-party services?

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We deploy SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) and STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle) methods to define and follow rigorous processes that ensure the development of a high-quality product.

What testing methods are employed by TenUp to improve the overall quality of the product during development?

How does TenUp test to enhance product quality during development?

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As a vendor specializing in ALM services, TenUp can indeed assist with application governance. We can establish effective governance frameworks by providing expertise, tools, and methodologies to define and enforce governance policies and practices. This includes assisting with the development of governance frameworks, establishing guidelines for application development and maintenance, implementing compliance measures, and ensuring that applications adhere to quality standards throughout their lifecycle.

How does TenUp handle product support and maintenance to ensure the smooth operation of our application?

How does TenUp manage support and maintenance for smooth app operation?

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We offer tiered support, including bug fixing, performance monitoring, and security updates, to address any issues, optimize performance, and provide ongoing maintenance for your application.

What Our Customers

Yes. We cover your tech stack.

Our team has expertise in almost every programming language.

Get in Touch
Ready to bring your ideas to life? Contact us today to discuss further.
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Join an Exploration Call

Engage in an initial conversation to discuss your needs, objectives, and technology, and receive custom solutions aligned with your organization's requirements.

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Discuss Solution and Team Structure

Present a customized solution matching your objectives. Team structure discussions ensure smooth collaboration and successful implementation.

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Get Started and Track Performance

After solution finalization and team structuring, implementation begins. Our experts work closely with you, ensuring clear communication, transparent progress, and performance insights.

Contact us