More user trust & secured0%
Chance of data get accessed by hackers100%
Reusable componentiQabinet offers its users a way to easily share documents with professional providers, receive alerts about any changes to their accounts, and co-manage their family’s important information.
As such, product’s security is the most critical requirement for iQabinet operations. iQabinet wanted to encrypt all the data corresponding to the user that includes files and db records in a way that even if the data was compromised or the data is put into the public network, no one can decode/decrypt or read it. They want to implement an algorithm called Split Key Cryptography to handle this.
By implementing TenUp Split Key Cryptography and making use of the company’s specialized expertise, iQabinet was able to apply military grade security to its centralized database management system. With the tailor-made solution that delivered the highest level of operational efficiency alongside unprecedented modularity, iQabinet was able to maintain its market-leading position and expand its customer base.